our vision
Support Us
Thank you for showing an interest in donating to Yatima Hope CBO! Since the beginning, the work of Yatima Hope CBO has solely been financed by private donations from friends and wellwishers. Our well-trained team of local social workers is giving their time and expertise from the goodwill of their heart – all on a voluntary basis! Every donation made is going straight to the vulnerable children, young women and families in need. With your donation, we are able to provide food security, plan and hold education events and take care of health related issues in the community. Thank you for making our work possible and spreading the Hope for all vulnerable members of the Nyalenda Community!
Monthly donation
By donating monthly, you are making sure Yatima Hope CBO is able to plan and sustain the precious work in Nyalenda. By giving even a small amount, you are enabling us to serve the community the way it is needed.

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The first step in supporting a child’s journey away from the streets is providing them with a safe roof over their head and a clean bed to sleep in. For nine boys in Nyalenda, this dream is fulfilled every night—but only as long as the rent for their sleeping space can be paid. These boys share a room that Yatima Hope has not yet been able to secure for permanent use due to limited resources.
With your donation, you give a street child a safe place to sleep for an entire month. But your help does so much more than that. It provides a space where children are protected from danger, where they can feel supported, and where they can heal from the hardships of life on the streets. Your support represents hope for a brighter future.
Help us to to make a difference.

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The health of many community members is dangerously unstable due to a variety of reasons, including HIV and related symptoms, malnutrition, malaria, and outbreaks of diseases like cholera. In Nyalenda, there is no local clinic, and transportation to a hospital, along with the treatment, is often far too expensive. Most people can’t even afford basic medication.
With yoour support, you can provide a Yatima Hope beneficiary with essential medical care. This includes emergency treatment for situations like dog bites or traffic accidents, as well as hospital stays if needed. Your donation offers more than just care—it gives the hope of health and healing when it’s needed the most.
Help us to give the gift of health and hope with your support.

Food Security
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With your help, we are able to provide food security for one child at our Community-Center in Nyalenda for a whole month. This includes three nutritious meals per day plus clean drinking water. Most children are far from a balanced nutrition due to financial struggles in the families.
By supporting us, you are helping to lower health-risks related to malnutrition, which will also help them to stay in school and build a self-dependent life for themselves.
Help us to give strength to the Nyalenda children!
Single donation
With just one donation, you can make a huge impact in helping us serve our community in the best possible way. Right now, we are raising funds to build nine sturdy, long-lasting metal beds so that we can finally offer safe accommodation for both boys and girls. These beds will provide nine girls with a secure place to rest and heal from the dangers they faced each night on the streets.
Thank you for giving what you can and for helping us take a crucial step towards realizing the dream of a self-sufficient and safe community!
Pay Pal
To directly transfer your funds to our organisational account we use the service of PayPal. We renounce any middleman or organsation who would be managing the donations for us. Instead every cent donated ends up directly in our projects. If you have any questions about the usage and impact of your help do not hesitate to contact us.